Organising Committee

Prof. (Dr.) Ashalatha Thampuran
Founder Member, Vastuvidyapratisthanam,
Principal (Retd.), College of Engineering Trivandrum

Dr. Manoj Kumar Kini
Organising Secretary
Managing Director, KTIL and Muziris Heritage project under Department of Tourism, Govt. of Kerala.
Life Member, Vastuvidyapratisthanam
Committee Members
Er. P. Balakrishnan Nair, FIE, Chairman, Kerala State Centre, IE(I), Trivandrum.
Er. Adv. K. R. Suresh Kumar, FIE, Hon. Secretary, Kerala State Centre, IE(I), Trivandrum.
Er. K. Sivasankara Menon, Executive Director, Vastuvidyapratishthanam, Kozhikode.
Ar. Er. Binu S., FIE, Committee Member, Architectural Engg. Division, Kerala State Centre, IE(I) Trivandrum.
Dr. P. Gireesan, FIE, Life Member Vastuvidyapratisthanam.
Er. K. Raman Bhattathiripad, MIE, Life Member Vastuvidyapratisthanam.
Sri. Suresh T.J. Prabhu, Director (Finance) Vastuvidyapratisthanam
Dr. A. K. Kasturba, Professor, Dept. of Architecture and Planning, NIT Calicut, Life Member Vastuvidyapratisthanam.
Prof. Neena Thomas, Principal, College of Architecture, Trivandrum
Prof. Shaji T. L., Professor (Retd.), Department of Architecture, CET
Dr. Shaji V. R., Conservation Officer (Retd.), Department of Archaeology, Govt. of Kerala
Dr. Sheeja K. P., Principal, D C School of Architecture and Design, Trivandrum
Prof. Suja Kumari L., Principal, Marian College of Architecture and Planning, Trivandrum
Dr. Priyanjali Prabhakaran, HoD, Department of Architecture and Planning, CET
Dr. Deepa Rani R., Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, CET
Prof. Sharat Sunder R., Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, CET
Prof. Roshni K. V., Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, CET